Not My Mama's Kitchen
There used to be a blogging site called Posterous where I had two food-related blogs, one called “Not My Mama’s Kitchen”, the other “The Happy Eater”. Posterous was acquired by Twitter and they dismantled Posterous shortly after the acquisition.
I downloaded my posts from both blogs. The Happy Eater was mainly photos of food I ate while Not My Mama’s Kitchen was about the food I cooked at home in my mom’s kitchen. I’ve been meaning to tidy up the latter before sharing them here, but I’ve been procrastinating…
Anyway, today, I decided to launch the old posts on NMMK. The photos can’t be seen (which was part of the tidying up process that I didn’t accomplish), but I wanted to share the recipes and whatnot from NMMK.
If you’re the least bit curious (as I am because I still need to sift through those old posts) about what I used to write about, have a look (up top) and click on “Not My Mama’s Kitchen”. I’m hoping to add more posts to that again soon.