
Daddy's Girl. Daughter. Sister. Godmother to 14 17 (adopted godmother to many more). Friend to many. Lover of all things cute.

Chocolate. Yoga. Snowboard. Food, travel, and photography enthusiast. Aspiring chocolatier. Mochi's Mama. Totoro is my traveling companion.


Zodiac Sign: Aries/Dragon

Birth Rank: Third of three

Favorite Color(s): Carolina Blue, Christmas Red, White, and Green

Chocolate v. Vanilla: C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E

Favorite Movies and TV Show: The Godfather, The Princess Bride, and The Wire. 

Favorite Books: To Kill A Mockingbird, Like Water for Chocolate, Green Eggs and Ham, and Fox in Socks.

Likes: Oxford commas     Dislikes: Bittermelon